calcium foods カルシウム工å“
文化・スポーツ / ライフサイエンス / 宇宙活動 / 社会・生活
Bones, joints, and muscles undergo considerably less stress in weightlessness than normal gravity, causing the calcium in bone cells to be leached from the body. Calcium foods, also known as "cal foods", were developed as a way to replace this lost calcium. Examples include capsules containing crushed eggshells and milk containing casein phosphopeptides. A famous dish in calcium cuisine consists of mixing one of these with soybeans and seaweed, both of which are particularly high in calcium.
Many others methods have been developed for replacing calcium, which tends to be lost easily when living in outer space. Almost all food and drink consumed in space is either naturally high in calcium or is supplemented with calcium. One can also find products such as calcium chewing gum and candy, calcium carbonated beverages, and calcium seasonings.
省略文字 / 文化・スポーツ / ライフサイエンス / 宇宙活動 / 社会・生活
Acronym for Closed Ecological Life Support System. The system that regulates the internal environment on space colonies, space bases, and underwater bases, enabling them to function on their own. The structure exists as an independent biosphere, totally unreliant on any outside assistance or intervention to sustain itself.
Beyond Coast supplies all the food its inhabitants need and recycles its energy in accordance with this system.
chaos system カオス・システãƒ
文化・スポーツ / 社会・生活 / ハイテクノロジー
A logic system that allows for irregular changes in a machine's operation, unlike previous stable logic systems. With the implementation of chaos systems in air conditioners and lighting equipment, among other appliances, the user can experience a level of comfort that also contains an appropriate amount of variation. Can now be found in numerous facilities and products.
charge station ー電スタンド
社会・生活 / ハイテクノロジー
On Beyond Coast, any act that would pollute the air and disrupt the CELESS, such as the burning of fossil fuels, is strictly prohibited. All vehicles use mainly clean electric energy; therefore, the colony contains charge stations in place of gas stations, with it taking about as much time to charge a vehicle as it does to fill one up with gasoline on Earth. Furthermore, in order to prevent any damage to the environment from heavy metals, all vehicle batteries are recovered and disposed of properly after use.
circadian rhythm サーカディアン・リズãƒ
The natural internal clock all organisms possess. The daily biological rhythm this clock produces is called a circadian rhythm, while monthly and seasonal rhythms can be classified as biorhythms. If a person's circadian rhythm becomes disrupted, this can have various negative effects on the body. All space colonies and bases establish a daily rhythm of day and night to help their inhabitants maintain their circadian rhythm. On Beyond Coast, this even includes creating the illusions of dawn and dusk, to which organisms are known to be sensitive.
clean energy requirement クリーン燃料使用義務
The inhabitants of closed environments like Beyond Coast are required to use clean energy, such as electric energy, instead of fossil fuels, which would damage the CELESS's air; therefore, this prohibits the use of any fossil fuel internal combustion engines.
cluster transplantation クラスター移æ¤
A transplant method whereby several organs, instead of just one, are transplanted together as a group. There are numerous cases of elderly recipients requiring multiple organ transplants. By transplanting organs such as the stomach, the duodenum, the small intestine, and the colon together, any possible rejection reaction caused by the transplantation of organs from multiple donors can be avoided.
cold sleep コールド・スリープ
ライフサイエンス / 宇宙活動 / ハイテクノロジー
An artificial sleep induced by lowering the body's temperature and having it use only the minimum amount of energy necessary to keep itself alive. As controlling the body's temperature is extremely difficult, this method requires a special capsule equipped with an electronic freezing device. Post-thaw muscle atrophy, among other issues, was a problem surrounding early cold sleep techniques, but this has since been overcome through studying the hibernation of bears. Cold sleep is also now called "hibernation" for this reason.
However, because certain aspects of cold sleep, namely its safety, still remain unclear, it has yet to be permitted for official use. Astronauts are therefore forced to endure long-distance space flights without the luxury of cold sleep, a fact that has led to the spread of illegal drugs throughout space.
The Yuri involved in the Yuri accident of 2013 was connected to an early version of the survival ball cold sleep unit. The accident turned out to be valuable test data for cold sleep, helping to improve the technology.
Astronaut Jonathan Ingram's 25 years is the record for the longest amount of time a person has spent in cold sleep.
cosmic ray exposure ‰F’ˆü”픘
ライフサイエンス / 宇宙活動 / 社会・生活
Cosmic rays, or highly energized particles continually moving throughout space, can have various effects on the human body. Sudden exposure to large doses of cosmic radiation can cause the widespread death of cells or even total body surface area burns. Up until now, space development has had no way of protecting against cosmic rays, which pose a significant danger to anyone exposed to them regardless of the length of time. An investigation into the true nature of the problem was not started until mankind had already moved out into space, and it is now the most significant problem surrounding long-distance space travel and space base construction. Beyond Coast has taken preventive measures to combat the problem, such as the creation of solar flare forecasts and shield warnings, but in reality, the effects of radiation exposure on space colonists continue to grow.
It is said that exposure to high-energy cosmic radiation can cause flashing lights to appear in one's field of vision, similar to the effects of optic neuritis.
cosmophobia 宇宙æ怖症
ライフサイエンス / 宇宙活動 / 社会・生活
A fear of outer space. The darkness, cramped conditions, and restricted access to oxygen experienced when in space for long periods of time can cause feelings of extreme unrest and panic in some people, and can even lead to breathing difficulties or cardiac arrest in severe cases. It is commonly reported among astronauts participating in long-distance flights and long-term space station workers. Cosmophobia is one of the reasons Narc use has become so widespread in space, and one of the most fundamental problems regarding future deep-space exploration is how to overcome these psychological hurdles.
Jonathan Ingram suffers from cosmophobia as a result of his EMPS accident.
cypusloidine サイプスãƒã‚¤ã‚¸ãƒ³
ライフサイエンス / ハイテクノロジー
An immunosuppressive drug developed by Tokugawa Pharmaceuticals. Able to completely suppress post-transplant rejection reaction, it led to the widespread adoption of organ transplantation. Unlike previous immunosuppressive drugs, it contained no side effects and only affected the transplanted cells, and was widely used until the development of transplant technology that prevents any rejection reaction, such as masked transplantation.